There are no age limits to start attending electrical classes or becoming a Colorado electrical journeyworker. Some employers require that apprentices be at least 18 years of age, but there is no maximum.
Our oldest current student is 63, while our youngest students are just about to turn 18.
The average student ages for the 2024/2025 school year (August start date) are listed below, separated by year in school:
1st Year: 25.3 years
2nd Year: 26.4 years
3rd Year: 28.7 years
4th Year: 28.7 years
The average overall IEC Southern Colorado age based on our current student base is 27 years.
Some of the most notable statistics we've found include:
Over 36% of our first-year students are between the ages of 27 and 56.
Half of our third-year students are 27 years of age or older.
33.3% of our 4th year students are in their thirties, forties, or fifties.
We hope this shows that you can absolutely become an electrical apprentice no matter your age.
