The Apprenticeship Training Program

The Colorado State Electrical Board requires that an apprentice perform 8,000 hours (about four years) of on-the-job training (OJT) and at least 288 hours of supplementary instruction in order to qualify to take the State Journeyworker Exam. For the residential wireman, 4,000 hours of on-the-job training is required.
IEC's four-year program is designed to be completed alongside on-the-job training. After completing this program, graduates will have 576 hours of supplementary instruction, and will be prepared to take the Colorado Journeyworker Exam. Graduates of the apprentice program will also receive 42 hours of college credit through the Emily Griffith Technical College. These credits are transferable to some colleges or universities in Colorado. College credits can also be earned through the American Council on Education.
Our Chapter works with the Pikes Peak Workforce Center and the Workforce Investment Act. A first-year apprentice who is working for a contractor member, has never enrolled in any apprentice program, and meets the WIA requirements can receive financial assistance during their first year of schooling.
All IEC instructors are required to hold a current, state-issued master electrician or journeyman electrician’s license. Students attend class one night a week for 4 hours. There are 18 weeks in each semester and two semesters in each academic year for a total of 144 hours of instruction per year. This will be a combination of lecture, code study and hands-on labwork.
New incoming students are required to take the Math Diagnostic Assessment. This assessment is not Pass/Fail, but a way to measure the apprentice's ability to understand and solve the mathematical formulas required for the lessons. This diagnostic assessment is given by appointment or for walk-in's between 10am and 3pm, Mondays through Thursdays, and is free of charge. Any students who score below a 70% will be required to take our Math Refresher course before attending classes. This course gives apprentices a chance to brush up on their math skills before tackling new material.