One of the first things you should do when starting to look for a job in the electrical field, or when you have just started working at an electrical company, is make sure you are registered as an electrical apprentice. This ensures that the hours you work are going towards your state-required on-the-job training hours.
Some companies automatically get you registered as an apprentice with DORA (Colorado's Department of Regulatory Agencies) once you are hired on with the company. To check if you are already registered as an apprentice, visit Select "electrical" and search for your first and last name.
If the website says "No records found for the criteria entered" after you click "submit," this means you are not registered as an electrical apprentice with DORA.
Please see our instructions below on how to setup your apprentice account.
If your name shows up after your search, that means you are registered with the state; it is a good idea to also check that you are assigned to the company you work with.
To do this, return to the search page, and instead of your name, use the "business name" search box to look up the name of the company you work for.
Once you find your company, click the "Detail" button.
If your name is listed under "supervisor/supervisee," that means you are registered under your company. If your name is not listed, we recommend contacting your company.
If you are not registered in DORA at all, it's time to set up an account!
(The DORA website is not compatible with mobile devices; if you need to use a computer, feel free to stop by the school.)
Start by visiting the DORA website and scrolling until you see this section:
Select "Apply for/Renew a License or Permit" (the top left option).
You will have to go to the second page of the table, then scroll down until you see "Electrical Apprentice" and click on the corresponding "Renew URL."
You will be redirected to a log in page. If this is your first time utilizing the DORA website, you will need to register.
From here, follow the prompts on the DORA website. You will be emailed an apprentice card once your application for an apprentice license has been approved. If you would like to print yours and laminate it, we can do so here at the school.